The situation on the ground at Opatovać, the refugee camp on the Croatian border, is changing dramatically every day.  Tensions around the huge numbers (7,000-9,000) of people coming each day makes it difficult to predict what will occur. The weather has turned colder (mid 40’s) and it’s raining nearly the entire time now. Many people are still sleeping outside as there is inadequate shelter.   Dry clothes are at a premium.

On Wednesday Second Response will arrive at the camp to help the children and families deal with the horrific trauma.  We can only send a small team, as transportation around the area is too difficult for a large group. We've arranged to conduct “care for the caregiver” sessions with Red Cross staff, local psychologists and others working in the camp as well as local residents of Osijek. These will occur Wednesday and Thursday assuming conditions do not demand our attention elsewhere. Much triage and dispensing of food and water remains the primary focus of most of these workers. They are beyond exhausted and need tremendous support and self care. 

The drive from Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, to the camps takes about 2 hours. Police and Internal Affairs officials are keeping extremely close guards on who enters. We're not there yet, but we're hopeful.

This critical effort is made possible by your generous support, and for that we are extremely grateful.  It's not too late to help us meet our expenses for the trip, so please, won't you give what you can today?